Meet Suparna

I am a clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience in the field.

I believe it is courageous and insightful to seek support and help.
People are innately resilient and capable of achieving their best potential if provided adequate support.

Having called Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, and India home has given me a valuable perspective that enables me to connect with children and parents in today’s fast-paced, diverse, and increasingly amalgamated world. 

As such, I have developed a warm, creative, empathetic, and play-based therapeutic approach that involves creating a safe and creative space where individuals, couples, and families can feel heard and supported.

  • Breath of Life

    I breathe in All That Is-

    Awareness expanding to take everything in, as if my heart beats the world into being.

    From the unnamed vastness beneath the mind, I breathe my way to wholeness and healing. Inhalation. Exhalation.

    Each Breath a “yes,” and a letting go, a journey, and a coming home.

    Danna Faulds